Newbie Night Out! #GNOnb

You asked for it, and HERE it is.
One night. One hour...
or till we get too tired...

A night for all New to Twitter. New to GNO.

For those wanting to get their feet wet, but still need a life preserver.

Oct. 30th.
7PM Pacific Time.
(8PM Mountain, 9PM Central, 10PM Eastern)

so confused

Topic: I 'GET' Twitter!

How to reply.
How to Direct Message (DM).
How to find new folks to follow.
How to search for our new tag: #GNOnb
How to know what your new twitter Url is.
What the heck is TinyURL and how do I use it.
Should I upload a photo for my profile.
Should I use my name/blog/town for my profile.

You have homework. (I know. Sorry.)

Get registered. See instructions HERE.


Watch this.

I have some very helpful helpers who will be on standby should you start to sink. Let's #GNOnb and 'GET' Twitter together.







Leave a comment with your Twitter Username and Url, and we'll get you started!

I just found a TERRIFIC Video Tutorial for Joining in on GNO.
Noelle ran the whole thing DURING a Tuesday night GNO!
How cool!
SEE HER VIDEO HERE. About 15 minutes long. BUT really WORTH it.