What is Mom It Forward #GNO and FAQ


GNO= Girl's Night Out. A Mom It Forward sponsored twitter party every Tuesday night. Complete with a weekly topic, Guest Tweets, and LOTS of new twitter friends! Some say you must bring your own chocolate... But for sure you should drop in between 6PM and 10PM Pacific Tuesday nights!

Are girls only allowed at MomItForward's #GNO?

Nope. The guys are welcome, but we do ask that they leave the burping and farting at the door! We will have women focused topics and themes but we welcome input from everyone.

I'm new to Twitter.com what are you talking about!!

Open Twitter.com to create a new account
Then click JOIN.
Set up your account (I suggest using at least part of your real name and your real picture, and if you have a blog or website use that too.. it will help people believe you are genuine!)

How to get some peeps to follow?
First step: follow all the #GNO Tweeple on the MomItForward list. Click each one (I know- time consuming...but worth it, right!), then click the 'FOLLOW' button on their profile page.
Now how to get them to follow you back...?
RSVP your Twitter url to Mr. Linky and you'll be golden! Also engage and be yourself, be kind and genuine, it will help I promise!
What is my Twitter URL?
example-- http://twitter.com/USERNAME
(the username you sign in with)
How to Tweet?
Just start typing in the tweet box at the top of your home page. "What are you doing?" Answer that question in 140 characters or less!
How to reply?
Click the rounded arrow at the end of someone's tweet or start a tweet with the person's username started with the @ sign. (And click your replies tab often!)
How to Direct Message (DM)?
Once someone is following you, you can click to their profile page by clicking their @ username link, then on their right sidebar you can use the 'message' link.

I already have a twitter account and a few follows/followers now what?

How do I partipate in #GNO?
Check the MomItForward.com home page for the new topic each week. RSVP to the party and follow any new to you on the list! Then 6PM PST Every Tuesday night, find your twitter account and begin chatting with all your #GNO gal pals, adding #GNO to every tweet during the event. Easy.
How to search for the MomItForward #GNO tag?
During #GNO there will be a lot of tweets coming at you with the #GNO tag in them, there are several ways to filter for only these tweets.
  1. Summize.com (Twitter's Search Feature. Great for finding specific words or phrases, not so good for #GNO events)
  2. Tweetchat.com (Allows you to search for #GNO-only tweets, and has an auto entry 'hashtag' feature)
  3. Tweetgrid.com (Allows you multiple searches, I recommend 1x3 grid entering GNO in the first one, your own username in the second one and the guest tweet's username in the third one, also has the auto entry for the #GNO hashtag, and has a retweet feature. Another useful thing on Tweetgrid is that you can hit enter to update a tweet!)

I'm ready for the big stuff, bring it oooon!

Someone creepy just followed me, what should I do?

How do I shorten long URLs in my tweets?

Why can't I follow more than 2000 tweeps?

I see people using twirl, tweetdeck and others, what are these?

What other secondary apps are out there?

How can I become a guest tweet on MomItForward's #GNO?

Answers to these and more coming... please leave any additional questions and feedback in the comments!

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